M.A.F. Surveyor

M.A.F. Surveyor
The M.A.F. Surveyor is a fully articulated robot
Be careful not to overtighten the leg links, if they’re overtightened, they may break when trying to pose.
In the event that you accidently break a section please contact us for replacement parts. You’ll be required to pay shipping.
The kit includes 8 nuts and bolts.
hex wrench
2 left legs
2 right legs
central body
Surveyor head
Avorgo’s Build-a-Bot line encompasses a variety of form factors, but the flagship model is their Mobile Automated Frame, or ‘M.A.F.’ The M.A.F. is technically the lower chassis of a quadrupedal mech, standardized across the entire line. The Frame component houses four articulated legs, able to lift up a loaded-weight of up to 250 kilograms. The legs function over rough terrain and smooth deck plates, with armor housing sufficient to repel small arms fire. Each frame also has a basic sensor pod, providing the M.A.F. with essential terrain and hazard scanning, no matter the load-out.
The Surveyor variant of the M.A.F. (Mobile Automated Frame) was Avorgo’s first entry into the Build-a-Bot line. The Surveyor’s pod is equipped with an enhanced sensor suite, capable of full topographic recording and multi-spectrum chemical analysis. Integrated jump jets allow for deployment even without a drop pod. Surveyors are particularly popular with exploration teams, able to carry extra gear or even serve as makeshift cover in the event of an attack.